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Say YES to Sports"

Ein Beitrag vom MARIPHIL Kinderdorf

Say "YES to Sports", Tubod National Highschool is having an Intramurals wherein the Children in the village are actively participating, the boys and girls are having their own football teams and enthusiastically compete with the others.

Sports has become one of the most effective interventions to socially and personally develop an individual, this taught self discipline, perseverance, camaraderie, sportsmanship and other positive behavioral endowment. Mariphil Children's Village is looking forward to more sporty events and activities with the support of any sports enthusiast or athletes.

Thank you so much Sir Rey of Tubod National Highschool.

Special mention to gerhards-hilfsprojekt

Kicking this year with prosperity .

Hier ein paar Bilder dazu, die das oben gesagte eindrucksvoll bestätigen:

Das freut mich natürlich sehr und bestätigt unsere Bemühungen für den Sport im MARIPHIL Kinderdorf.

Liebe Unterstützer/innen Eure Hilfe kommt an und hilft den Kindern in ihrer Entwicklung.

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